Question & Solution

Brushing effect too weak:

-Increase the surface speed by increasing the brush diameter the operating speed,but never exceed the maximum RPM rating.

-Decrease the trim length.

-Increase the diameter or the fill material.

Brushing effect too powerful:

-Reduce the surface speed by reducing the brush diameter or the operating speed,but never exceed the maximum RPM rating.

-Increase the trim length.

-Decrease the diameter of the fill material.

Brushing effect too rough:

-Increase the surface speed by increasing the brush diameter or the operating speed,but never exceed the maximum RPM rating.

-Increase the trim length.

-Decrease the diameter of the fill material.

Brushing effect too smooth:

-Reduce the surface speed by reducing the brush diameter or the operating speed,but never exceed the maximum RPM rating.

-Decrease the trim length.

-Increase the diameter of the fill material.

Power for wire brushes:


Excessive operating pressure(penetration depth)will reduce the serice life of the brush.


Remember only the “tips”of the wire do the work consequently only the lightest possible pressure is required to obtain an effective brushing action.